Friday, August 31, 2007

Oh no!

OH NO! Mommy's hard drive crashed on her laptop! Sadly the blog won't be updated for at least a week... Not to mention that she probably has lost a lot of her pictures :( Maybe even her wedding and honeymoon pictures. Keep an eye out for the next post.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blair Witch?

So a few days after we came to live with Mommy & Daddy....Mommy noticed that Sully's back had an odd marking...She then realized that it was the Blair Witch symbol! Mommy has never seen the movie (and I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing...) but she knew right away that it was a striking resemblance. Take a look!

Yesterday & Today!

Mommy and Daddy are getting ready for marching band season. We thought we might be of some help:

I composeded music for them! And then we tried to play it!

Hi Mommy!!! I seeeeee you!

I like to sleep on Mommy's laptop case! Actually so does Isaac....its just sooo comfy!

The newspaperz has flavor! We took some nibbles out of it...if you look closely!

Goin for a ride on my Daddy!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A few more updates from the past year...

Hello!!!! Here are a few more pictures from the past year. They're kind of this one here of Sully....sleeping on the was taken about a week or so ago...and the ones before it were from a few months ago. could have probably figured that out ...but yah know....

This next picture is of Ike sleeping in Auntie Em's carseat. So comfy!

We like to sleep in places that annoy her scrapbooking supplies....

So...we thought it was a brilliant idea to hang out in the shelves of the TV stand...but then the door closed on us! The DVD with the sticker on it kinda ruins the either Scary Movie, or Teen Movie or something dumb like that...

Sully and I tried to beat Mommy, Daddy, & Jo in Rummykube (is that how you spell it???)....

"I iz only gots one piece left....suckas!"

We were probably waiting for someone to finish eating in this shot.... We're never this still.

"Um, Sul? I think Mommy's coming...SUL!!!"

I guess we have a thing for garbage pails :)

My bottom half fits nicely into this square vase...Well it used to a few months ago!

If you asked to sit in this basket today....we would probably hang out the sides...we is fat kitties now.

OK, so this picture is sidesways....but I like to bug Daddy while he's on the computer. Yup. Gonna get the arrow!

OK so it wasn't bad enough that Mommy made us wear clothes....

But she popped Sul's collar too!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Photos from the last year....

Isaac got the hang of the little furry ball....but Sully is just a copy cat...yeah...we gotta work on that one!'d think that these two get along so well all the time!! ^_^
....yeah....they always get along...riiiiight :P

...and then they're back to being cute and innocent...but we can see through that disguise! ^_~


Greetings! Our names are Isaac and Sully. We just turned one this month. Mommy & Daddy say we're super cute...but lots of trouble....

Sully is the grey kitty, and Isaac is the orange kitty! :)